Greater Moncton Football Association
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NFL Flag is coming soon to a field near you - get your team together and register now!!

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NFL Flag - all age groups U6 to u18

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Welcome to the Spring 2025 NFL Flag Football Season

We are excited to once again be offering NFL Flag football. Every player will get an NFL jersey, shorts, flags and an NFL football to keep. Cleats are recommended for footwear, and every athlete should have a refillable water bottle.

U6, U8, U10 and U12 will play as coed teams. U14, U16 and U18 will have both boys and girls teams, depending on registration numbers.


  • Get your group organized before registering.
  • One parent registers their child and generates a ‘Small Group Code’ on screen 5 (Registration Type) by selecting ‘Create/Join a small group’ from the drop-down list.
  • Click on the ‘Generate Code’ and note the Small Group Code (ie: SGAUE467)
  • Share the code with the families for them to use during their registration. When they get to screen 5 (Registration Type) they select ‘Create/Join a small group’ from the drop-down list, enter the code and click on ‘Validate’.
  • NOTE: There may be other players added to your team if you are not at the 12-player maximum roster size.

It is not required to register with a small group code – your player will be placed on a team based on the same geographic zone.


  • Location: TBD: Rocky Stone Field; Mathieu-Martin High School Turf; l’Odyssée High School Turf
  • Dates: 
    • Flag Football 101 (coaches & interested parents): 16 & 25 Apr-2025 & 5-May-2025
    • U6 & U8: 24 to 28 May-2025; Saturday mornings only
    • U10-U18: 19 to 29 May-2025; 2 practice/games per week
    • Tournaments: GMFA 8-Jun-2025 (U14); CAMFA 7-Jun-2025 (U12); East Coast Games (FMFA) 21 & 22 Jun-2025 (U12, U14, U16, U18)
    • Provincial Finals: 14 & 15 Jun-2025
  • Schedules - Full schedules will be available soon

Please ensure your athlete is dressed in weather appropriate athletic wear and has cleats and a water bottle at each session.
